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Exporting The Sort Plan - Opex Mail Matrix Manuel De L'opérateur


Click the Export radio button on the View Sortplan screen to open the export
view, which displays the sort plan as a spreadsheet.

Exporting the Sort Plan

The final step in creating your sort plan is to export a new *.csv file to a location
where it can be accessed by the Directory Retrieval System (DRS) and used in
your job. You will need to export a new *.csv file any time you make changes to
the database with the management utility.
The process of exporting the sort plan takes place in three steps. The first step
is to identify where you will save the new database, and the second step
involves actually saving the *.csv file. Last, you have to import the database
into the Host software for use in your job. Usually, you will only have to perform
the first step the very first time you edit your database with the Database
Management Utility.
1. Designate a location and filename for your new *.csv file:
Figure 185: Export view
Mail Matrix Operator Manual
OPEX Corporation

