Hyd Rau Lic; Check The Hyd Rau Lic Oil Le Vel - Ammann APH 5020 Traduction Du Mode D'emploi Original

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6. Main ten an ce

6.7 Hyd rau lic

Be fore work ing on the hy drau lic make the sys tem
Carry out the change of hy drau lic oil while it is still
warm in ac cor dance to the lu bri ca tion plan and the
lu bri ca tion table.
Do not start the mo tor while the hy drau lic oil is
drain ing un der any cir cum stance.
Im me di ately re place any dam aged seals.
Change the re turn fil ter el e ment and the air fil ter
with each change of hy drau lic oil.
Change the hy drau lic oil also af ter each ma jor re -
pair on the hy drau lic unit.
Col lect the drained-off hy drau lic oil and dis pose it
in an en vi ron ment friendly man ner.
6.7.1 Hyd rau lic hose li nes
Ammann Ar ti cle No.
Man u fac turer/Month and year of man u fac ture
Max. op er at ing pres sure
The func tion of hy drau lic hose lines must be tested at reg u lar in -
ter vals (min i mum once a year) by an ex pert (with a knowl edge of
hy drau lics).
Hose lines must im me di ately be re placed in the fol low ing in -
• Dam age to the outer layer to the in ner lin ing (abra sion marks,
cracks, cuts, etc.).
• Brit tle ness of the outer layer (crack ing of hose cov er ing).
• Un nat u ral de for ma tions of the hose line. This ap plies to both a
pressureless and pres sur ised con di tion (e.g. layer sep a ra tion,
blis ter for ma tion, crushed ar eas, kinks).
• Leaks.
• Dam age or de for ma tion of hose fit tings (im paired seal ing
func tion).
• Hose slips out of the fit ting.
• Cor ro sion of fit ting (de grad ing of func tion and strength).
• Im proper in stal la tion.
• Use be yond the ex piry date of max. 6 years.

6.7.2 Check the hyd rau lic oil le vel

• Check the oil level through the oil jauge glass.
• If nec es sary top up the oil level up to the up per area of the
If hy drau lic oil is miss ing by the daily hy drau lic oil
level con trol, the com po nents, hoses and con-
nections have to be checked im me di ately.


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Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Aph 5030Aph 6020Aph 6530Aph 100-20

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