Trou Bles Hoo Ting - Ammann APH 110-95 Traduction Du Mode D'emploi D'origine

Table des Matières


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9. Trou ble shoot ing
Ge ne ral in for ma ti on
• Ob serve the safety in for ma tion
• Only qual i fied and authorised per sons may carry out re pair work
• In case of faults, the op er at ing and main te nance in struc tions must be re ferred to for cor rect op er a tion and main te -
• If the cause of the fault can not be lo cated or rem e died, an authorised Ammann Ser vice Cen tre should be con tacted.
• Al ways first check the most likely causes (fuses, LEDs, etc.)
Pos si ble cause
En gi ne will not start
Not pre heated
Ig ni tion key not 2 sec. in "I" po si tion
No fuel
Air in the fuel sys tem
Wa ter in the fuel sys tem
Fuel line clog ged
Fuel fil ter clogged
Fuel or en gine oil vis cos ity too high at low
tem per a ture
Fuel has low cetane num ber
Fuel leak due to loose cap nut on the in -
jec tion line
Wrong in jec tion point
Fuel cams haft worn
In jec ti on nozzle clog ged
In jec tion pump mal func tion Crank shaft, cam -
shaft, pis ton, cyl in der or bear ings seized up
Com pres sion loss in cyl in der
Wrong val ve ti ming
Pis ton ring and cyl in der worn
Wrong val ve clea ran ce
Shut-off mag net mal func tion
Star ter do esn't turn over
Dead bat te ry
Star ter mal functi on
Igni ti on switch mal functi on
Li nes dis con nec ted
En gi ne shuts off du ring ope ra ti on
En gi ne oil low
En gi ne over he ats
Low oil pres su re
En gi ne runs rough
Fuel fil ter clog ged or soi led
Air fil ter clog ged
Fuel leak due to loo se cap nut on the in -
jec ti on line
In jec ti on pump mal functi on
Wrong nozzle in jec ti on pres su re
In jec tor is stuck or clog ged
Re gu la tor mal functi on
Oil le aks into the ex haust or in ta ke pipe
Oil re turn line clog ged or dis tor ted,
pis ton ring seal de fec ti ve
Pre he at
Lea ve igni ti on key 2 sec. in "I" po si ti on
Fill up with fuel
Ven ti la te
Re pla ce the fuel and re pair or re pla ce the fuel sys tem
Cle an or re pla ce
Re pla ce
Use the pres cri bed fuel or en gi ne oil
Use the pres cri bed fuel
Tighten the cap nuts
Ad just
Re pla ce
Cle an or re pla ce
Re pair or re pla ce
Re pair or re pla ce
Re pla ce the head gas ket, cy lin der head screws,
re-tighten the hea ter plug and nozzle hol der
Cor rect, or re pla ce con trol wheel
Re pla ce
Ad just Re pla ce
Char ge
Re pair or re pla ce
Re pla ce
Con nect
See be low
See be low
Re pla ce
Cle an or re pla ce
Tighten re tai ning nut
Re pair or re pla ce
Ad just
Re pair or re pla ce
Re pair
Re pair or re pla ce
Re marks
Fol low the en gi ne ope ra ting ma nu al
Fol low the en gi ne ope ra ting ma nu al
Fol low the en gi ne ope ra ting ma nu al
Fol low the en gi ne ope ra ting ma nu al


Table des Matières

Table des Matières