Maintenance; Gen Eral Notes; Main Ten An Ce Sche Du Le - Ammann APF 12/33 Traduction Du Mode D'emploi Original

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5. Maintenance

5.1 Gen eral notes

Care ful main te nance:
in creased ser vice life
in creased func tion se cu rity
re duced downtimes
in creased re li abil ity
re duced re pair costs
Ob serve the safety reg u la tions!
Main te nance works should only be car ried out when the
en gine is shut off.
The en gine and ma chine should be cleaned thorougly be -
fore car ry ing out main te nance work.
Park the ma chine on a flat sur face and se cure it against
roll ing away and slip ping.
En sure that op er at ing ma te ri als and re placed parts are dis -
posed of safely and in an en vi ron men tally-friendly way.

5.2 Main ten an ce sche du le

Main ten an ce works
Cle an the ma chi ne
Check the en gi ne oil le vel
Chan ge the en gi ne oil
Check air fil ter
Chan ging the air fil ter in sert
Check val ve clea ran ce
Ex ci ter: Check the oil le vel
Ex ci ter: Chan ge oil
Check the rub ber buf fer
Check V-belt ten si on
Check screw con nec tions for tight ness
See en gi ne ope ra ting ma nu al
mi ni mum on ce a year
for the first time
Re com men da ti on: after 5 ye ars or in ca se of re pairs
In ter val s
20 h
Be fore com menc ing work on any elec tri cal equip ment,
dis con nect the bat tery and cover it with in su lat ing ma te -
ri als.
Do not ex change «PLUS» and «MINUS» poles on the bat -
It is es sen tial that short-cir cuits be pre vented in ca bles
car ry ing cur rent.
Be fore weld ing works on the ma chine put-off all con nec -
tions and bat tery ca bles.
Burn-out lightbulbs in in di ca tor lamps should be re -
placed im me di ately.
When clean ing the ma chine with a high-pres sure wa ter
jet, do not spray the elec tri cal com po nents di rectly.
Af ter wash ing the com po nents, blow-dry them with com -
pressed air in or der to pre vent sur face leak age cur rent
and cor ro sion.
50 h
100 h
200 h
250 h
400 h
( )


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Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Apf 15/40Apf 15/50Apf 20/50

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