7. If installing a two faucet system,
a CO 2 manifold will need to be
installed. Locate the red CO 2 lines,
CO 2 manifold and a #10 x 1/2" sheet
metal screw. Slide one end of each
hose onto the barbed fittings on the
manifold and clamp. On the left rear
side wall of the beer compartment
there is a double row of screws which
run vertically. Remove one of the
two top screws and discard. Insert
the sheet metal screw through the
manifold and into the hole vacated
8. On a single beer system, locate the
red CO 2 hose. Slide one end onto the
barbed fitting of regulator assembly
and clamp. On systems with two
beers, locate the CO 2 line that comes
off the backside of the manifold
assembly. Slide the hose onto the
barbed fitting of regulator assembly
and clamp. For detailed information
on connecting the regulator to the
CO 2 cylinder, see page 17.
9. Locate the low profile keg coupler(s).
Slide one of the red CO 2 lines onto
the larger barbed fitting of the keg
coupler and clamp. Locate one of
the black beer lines and slide onto
the smaller barbed fitting of the
keg coupler and clamp. Repeat for
additional couplers.
See page 11 for info on Keg Couplers.
©2021 Hestan Commercial Corporation