axhess ProfiPower 2.940.006 Mode D'emploi page 13

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instructions for using the manual
Safety reference: Neglecting may lead to material damages and harm or influence the functioning
of the device.
Safety reference: refers to the dangers concerning electric current or tension.
Neglecting may lead to personal damage and material damage. Also may the functioning of the
device be influenced.
Additional information concerning the control of the device.
Observe the following safety instructions.
General safety references
The company Axhess GmbH & Co. KG, Bergstrasse 18, 53547 Hausen, takes no responsibility at all
for damages and consequences which arise due to:
• Connecting-, control- and/or mounting failures.
• Outrage, damages to the device and/or elements of the device.
• Damages to the device due to mechanical influences and/or over-voltage.
• Any changes inflicted to the device and/or elements of the device.
• Use for all other purposes as described in this manual.
• Liquid influences and/or insufficiënt ventilation.
• Unauthorized opening of the device. This will, among others, lead to the lost of the warranty.
Changing/removing the battery as described in this manual is excluded from the above. However, we also
take no responsibility at all for incorrect use and its consequences (Consequential damage caused by
non-intended use and/or incorrect use and/or a defective battery).
Use the device exclusively for those purposes for which it is developed (intended use).
Do not use the device in rain or similar conditions, avoid moisty influences to the device.
Never dip the device into liquids or pour liquids over it.
Never handle this device close to inflammable material.
Never handle this device in an environment with danger of explosion.
Exclusively use the device when there are sufficient possibilities for ventilation.
When working on (starter) batteries, dangerous, explosive gases can be released!
Batteries develop explosive gases during operation, charging or when using booster stage!
Always wear safety goggles and possibly also protective clothing when working with batteries.
Never short-circuit the battery poles! When working on batteries, make sure no conducting bridge
originates between the battery poles due to personal clothing or jewelry.
Avoid every contact with battery acids and sulphates! Sulphates intend to settle on battery poles for
example. Battery acids as well as sulphates are corrosive and toxic!
If, by accident, there is any skin contact with battery acid or sulphate; rinse the considered area tho
roughly with clear, running water. If battery acid or sulphate affects your eyes; rinse out immediately
for at least ten minutes with running water and consult a doctor.
Never smoke when working on or handeling (starter) batteries or practise close to open fire!
Avoid sparking and/or flying sparks!
Always make sure the device is in a safe, solid condition!
The device needs to be installed/placed in such a solid way it surely does not collapse or falls down!
Place the device in such a secure way children do not have access to it!
Children do not recognize originating dangers, neither they are able to estimate these dangers!
Never let children play with the device and/or have contact with it in any other way.
Do not expose the device to solar radiation and/or other sources of heat.
On principle, avoid additional heating of the device by external influences.
Never cover or block the airvents of the device!
Never cover the device and never stock and/or use it in a dense enclosure. Always make sure there
is sufficient ventilation!
A corrosive smell of gas indicates explosion danger! Do not shut off the device, neither remove the
crocodile clips. However, immediately make sure there is enough, good, ventilation!
Never turn starter batteries upside down or draw reverse. Corrosive danger!
When working with batteries always consider the user instructions of the battery and/or vehicle
manufacturer first!
Make sure there is sufficient lighting. Light provides more safety.
Persons who are, based on psychic, mental or sensorial capacities or due to inexperience or
ignorance not capable of using the device in a secure way, are not allowed to handle the device
without supervision or the guidance of a responsable person.
Persons who are under the influence of medication, drugs or alcohol are not allowed to handle this
Always consider the following basic precautions for your own and others protection to avoid:
• Electrical flashes
• Risk of fire
• Injuries
• Material damage
Only start using electronic devices when the housing and cabling are completely intact. When
working on the device, (cleaning, maintenance) always interrupt the current supply first.
Repairs and maintenance may only be accomplished by authorized specialists, who are familiar with
the dangers/regulations which go along with this equipment.
Electric cabling
Do not put cabling loose or snapped and/or in and/or on conductive materials.
Always place cables in a cable conductor (cable tray, empty pipe).
Do NOT place line current (230 V) cables and 12 V-cables in the same cable conductor!
Cabling always needs to be attached very well!
Cabling may never cause the danger of stumbling!
Always protect cabling against damages!
Do not pull the cables, always catch by the plug!
Indisputable respect all of these described safety references at all times.



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Produits Connexes pour axhess ProfiPower 2.940.006

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