The sampling frequency of the input audio signal is shown.
When an ES-LINK signal is being received, "ESL1", "ESL2" or "ESL3"
appears to the right of the input sampling frequency.
Example: 176.4 kHz sampling frequency
Example: ES-LINK signal being received
176.4 kHz sampling frequency
The volume setting is shown.
Example: –32.5 dB volume setting
The input source is shown.
When an ES-LINK signal is being received, "ESL1", "ESL2" or "ESL3"
appears to the right of the input source.
Example: DUAL input source
Example: ES-LINK signal being received
DUAL input source
Automatic display off setting
** *
The fluorescent display can be set to automatically darken after a set
amount of time has elapsed.
The factory default is "30m".
15m, 30m, 60m
If no operation has occurred for 15, 30 or 60 minutes, the display
automatically turns off.
The display never darkens automatically.
< If the display is left on with the same indication for a long time,
brightness irregularities can occur. For this reason, we recommend
that you enable automatic display darkening.
** *
Sets the brightness of the display and indicators
The factory default is "3".
FL Dimmer3
Full brightness
FL Dimmer2
Medium brightness
FL Dimmer1
Minimum brightness
The display and indicators are off.
< Set to "0" (OFF), the display and indicators will not light.
< When the display is darkened, pressing the INPUT button, for
example, will cause the display to brighten for just a few seconds.
< Even when set to a value other than "3" (full brightness), error
messages and setting menu indications will appear at full