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Canon Pixma TS5050 Manuel En Ligne page 491

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copвrТght lТcОnsО to rОproНucО, prОparО ϊОrТvatТvО Works oП, publТclв НТsplaв, publТclв pОrПorm,
sublТcОnsО, anН НТstrТbutО thО Work anН such ϊОrТvatТvО Works Тn SourcО or τbУОct Пormέ
γέ ύrant oП PatОnt δТcОnsОέ SubУОct to thО tОrms anН conНТtТons oП thТs δТcОnsО, Оach ωontrТbutor hОrОbв
grants to You a pОrpОtual, аorlНаТНО, nonάОбclusТvО, noάchargО, roвaltвάПrОО, ТrrОvocablО (ОбcОpt as
statОН Тn thТs sОctТon) patОnt lТcОnsО to makО, havО maНО, usО, oППОr to sОll, sОll, Тmport, anН othОrаТsО
transПОr thО Work, аhОrО such lТcОnsО applТОs onlв to thosО patОnt claТms lТcОnsablО bв such
ωontrТbutor that arО nОcОssarТlв ТnПrТngОН bв thОТr ωontrТbutТon(s) alonО or bв combТnatТon oП thОТr
ωontrТbutТon(s) аТth thО Work to аhТch such ωontrТbutТon(s) аas submТttОНέ IП You ТnstТtutО patОnt
lТtТgatТon agaТnst anв ОntТtв (ТncluНТng a crossάclaТm or countОrclaТm Тn a laаsuТt) allОgТng that thО
Work or a ωontrТbutТon ТncorporatОН аТthТn thО Work constТtutОs НТrОct or contrТbutorв patОnt
ТnПrТngОmОnt, thОn anв patОnt lТcОnsОs grantОН to You unНОr thТs δТcОnsО Пor that Work shall tОrmТnatО
as oП thО НatО such lТtТgatТon Тs ПТlОНέ
ζέ RОНТstrТbutТonέ You maв rОproНucО anН НТstrТbutО copТОs oП thО Work or ϊОrТvatТvО Works thОrОoП Тn
anв mОНТum, аТth or аТthout moНТПТcatТons, anН Тn SourcО or τbУОct Пorm, provТНОН that You mООt thО
ПolloаТng conНТtТonsμ
1έ You must gТvО anв othОr rОcТpТОnts oП thО Work or ϊОrТvatТvО Works a copв oП thТs δТcОnsОν anН
βέ You must causО anв moНТПТОН ПТlОs to carrв promТnОnt notТcОs statТng that You changОН thО ПТlОsν
γέ You must rОtaТn, Тn thО SourcО Пorm oП anв ϊОrТvatТvО Works that You НТstrТbutО, all copвrТght,
patОnt, traНОmark, anН attrТbutТon notТcОs Пrom thО SourcО Пorm oП thО Work, ОбcluНТng thosО
notТcОs that Нo not pОrtaТn to anв part oП thО ϊОrТvatТvО Worksν anН
ζέ IП thО Work ТncluНОs a "στTIωE" tОбt ПТlО as part oП Тts НТstrТbutТon, thОn anв ϊОrТvatТvО Works that
You НТstrТbutО must ТncluНО a rОaНablО copв oП thО attrТbutТon notТcОs contaТnОН аТthТn such
στTIωE ПТlО, ОбcluНТng thosО notТcОs that Нo not pОrtaТn to anв part oП thО ϊОrТvatТvО Works, Тn at
lОast onО oП thО ПolloаТng placОsμ аТthТn a στTIωE tОбt ПТlО НТstrТbutОН as part oП thО ϊОrТvatТvО
Worksν аТthТn thО SourcО Пorm or НocumОntatТon, ТП provТНОН along аТth thО ϊОrТvatТvО Worksν or,
аТthТn a НТsplaв gОnОratОН bв thО ϊОrТvatТvО Works, ТП anН аhОrОvОr such thТrНάpartв notТcОs
normallв appОarέ ThО contОnts oП thО στTIωE ПТlО arО Пor ТnПormatТonal purposОs onlв anН Нo not
moНТПв thО δТcОnsОέ You maв aНН Your oаn attrТbutТon notТcОs аТthТn ϊОrТvatТvО Works that You
НТstrТbutО, alongsТНО or as an aННОnНum to thО στTIωE tОбt Пrom thО Work, provТНОН that such
aННТtТonal attrТbutТon notТcОs cannot bО construОН as moНТПвТng thО δТcОnsОέ
You maв aНН Your oаn copвrТght statОmОnt to Your moНТПТcatТons anН maв provТНО aННТtТonal or
НТППОrОnt lТcОnsО tОrms anН conНТtТons Пor usО, rОproНuctТon, or НТstrТbutТon oП Your moНТПТcatТons,
or Пor anв such ϊОrТvatТvО Works as a аholО, provТНОН Your usО, rОproНuctТon, anН НТstrТbutТon oП
thО Work othОrаТsО complТОs аТth thО conНТtТons statОН Тn thТs δТcОnsОέ
ηέ SubmТssТon oП ωontrТbutТonsέ UnlОss You ОбplТcТtlв statО othОrаТsО, anв ωontrТbutТon ТntОntТonallв
submТttОН Пor ТnclusТon Тn thО Work bв You to thО δТcОnsor shall bО unНОr thО tОrms anН conНТtТons oП
thТs δТcОnsО, аТthout anв aННТtТonal tОrms or conНТtТonsέ σotаТthstanНТng thО abovО, nothТng hОrОТn
shall supОrsОНО or moНТПв thО tОrms oП anв sОparatО lТcОnsО agrООmОnt вou maв havО ОбОcutОН аТth
δТcОnsor rОgarНТng such ωontrТbutТonsέ
θέ TraНОmarksέ ThТs δТcОnsО НoОs not grant pОrmТssТon to usО thО traНО namОs, traНОmarks, sОrvТcО
marks, or proНuct namОs oП thО δТcОnsor, ОбcОpt as rОquТrОН Пor rОasonablО anН customarв usО Тn
НОscrТbТng thО orТgТn oП thО Work anН rОproНucТng thО contОnt oП thО στTIωE ПТlОέ
ιέ ϊТsclaТmОr oП Warrantвέ UnlОss rОquТrОН bв applТcablО laа or agrООН to Тn аrТtТng, δТcОnsor provТНОs
thО Work (anН Оach ωontrТbutor provТНОs Тts ωontrТbutТons) on an "χS IS" ψχSIS, WITώτUT
WχRRχσTIES τR ωτσϊITIτσS τό χσY KIσϊ, ОТthОr ОбprОss or ТmplТОН, ТncluНТng, аТthout

