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Canon Pixma TS5050 Manuel En Ligne page 37

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lТmТtatТon, anв аarrantТОs or conНТtТons oП TITδE, στσάIσόRIσύEεEσT, εERωώχσTχψIδITY, or
όITσESS ότR χ PχRTIωUδχR PURPτSEέ You arО solОlв rОsponsТblО Пor НОtОrmТnТng thО
approprТatОnОss oП usТng or rОНТstrТbutТng thО Work anН assumО anв rТsks assocТatОН аТth Your
ОбОrcТsО oП pОrmТssТons unНОr thТs δТcОnsОέ
κέ δТmТtatТon oП δТabТlТtвέ In no ОvОnt anН unНОr no lОgal thОorв, аhОthОr Тn tort (ТncluНТng nОglТgОncО),
contract, or othОrаТsО, unlОss rОquТrОН bв applТcablО laа (such as НОlТbОratО anН grosslв nОglТgОnt
acts) or agrООН to Тn аrТtТng, shall anв ωontrТbutor bО lТablО to You Пor НamagОs, ТncluНТng anв НТrОct,
ТnНТrОct, spОcТal, ТncТНОntal, or consОquОntТal НamagОs oП anв charactОr arТsТng as a rОsult oП thТs
δТcОnsО or out oП thО usО or ТnabТlТtв to usО thО Work (ТncluНТng but not lТmТtОН to НamagОs Пor loss oП
gooНаТll, аork stoppagО, computОr ПaТlurО or malПunctТon, or anв anН all othОr commОrcТal НamagОs
or lossОs), ОvОn ТП such ωontrТbutor has bООn aНvТsОН oП thО possТbТlТtв oП such НamagОsέ
λέ χccОptТng Warrantв or χННТtТonal δТabТlТtвέ WhТlО rОНТstrТbutТng thО Work or ϊОrТvatТvО Works thОrОoП,
You maв choosО to oППОr, anН chargО a ПОО Пor, accОptancО oП support, аarrantв, ТnНОmnТtв, or othОr
lТabТlТtв oblТgatТons anНήor rТghts consТstОnt аТth thТs δТcОnsОέ ώoаОvОr, Тn accОptТng such oblТgatТons,
You maв act onlв on Your oаn bОhalП anН on Your solО rОsponsТbТlТtв, not on bОhalП oП anв othОr
ωontrТbutor, anН onlв ТП You agrОО to ТnНОmnТПв, НОПОnН, anН holН Оach ωontrТbutor harmlОss Пor anв
lТabТlТtв ТncurrОН bв, or claТms assОrtОН agaТnst, such ωontrТbutor bв rОason oП вour accОptТng anв
such аarrantв or aННТtТonal lТabТlТtвέ
Eσϊ τό TERεS χσϊ ωτσϊITIτσS
άάάά Part 1μ ωεUήUωϊ copвrТght notТcОμ (ψSϊ lТkО) άάάάά
ωopвrТght 1λκλ, 1λλ1, 1λλβ bв ωarnОgТО εОllon UnТvОrsТtв
ϊОrТvatТvО Work ά 1λλθ, 1λλκάβίίί
ωopвrТght 1λλθ, 1λλκάβίίί ThО RОgОnts oП thО UnТvОrsТtв oП ωalТПornТa
χll RТghts RОsОrvОН
PОrmТssТon to usО, copв, moНТПв anН НТstrТbutО thТs soПtаarО anН Тts НocumОntatТon Пor anв purposО anН
аТthout ПОО Тs hОrОbв grantОН, provТНОН that thО abovО copвrТght notТcО appОars Тn all copТОs anН that both
that copвrТght notТcО anН thТs pОrmТssТon notТcО appОar Тn supportТng НocumОntatТon, anН that thО namО oП
ωεU anН ThО RОgОnts oП thО UnТvОrsТtв oП ωalТПornТa not bО usОН Тn aНvОrtТsТng or publТcТtв pОrtaТnТng to
НТstrТbutТon oП thО soПtаarО аТthout spОcТПТc аrТttОn pОrmТssТonέ
ωεU χσϊ TώE REύEσTS τό TώE UσIVERSITY τό ωχδIότRσIχ ϊISωδχIε χδδ WχRRχσTIES
WITώ REύχRϊ Tτ TώIS SτόTWχRE, IσωδUϊIσύ χδδ IεPδIEϊ WχRRχσTIES τό
εERωώχσTχψIδITY χσϊ όITσESSέ Iσ στ EVEσT Sώχδδ ωεU τR TώE REύEσTS τό TώE
UσIVERSITY τό ωχδIότRσIχ ψE δIχψδE ότR χσY SPEωIχδ, IσϊIREωT τR ωτσSEQUEσTIχδ
ϊχεχύES τR χσY ϊχεχύES WώχTSτEVER RESUδTIσύ όRτε TώE δτSS τό USE, ϊχTχ τR
PRτόITS, WώETώER Iσ χσ χωTIτσ τό ωτσTRχωT, σEύδIύEσωE τR τTώER TτRTIτUS χωTIτσ,
χRISIσύ τUT τό τR Iσ ωτσσEωTIτσ WITώ TώE USE τR PERότRεχσωE τό TώIS SτόTWχREέ
άάάά Part βμ σОtаorks χssocТatОs TОchnologв, Inc copвrТght notТcО (ψSϊ) άάάάά
ωopвrТght (c) βίί1άβίίγ, σОtаorks χssocТatОs TОchnologв, Inc
χll rТghts rОsОrvОНέ
RОНТstrТbutТon anН usО Тn sourcО anН bТnarв Пorms, аТth or аТthout moНТПТcatТon, arО pОrmТttОН provТНОН
that thО ПolloаТng conНТtТons arО mОtμ

