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Canon Pixma TS5050 Manuel En Ligne page 35

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χpachО δТcОnsО
VОrsТon βέί, Januarв βίίζ
TERεS χσϊ ωτσϊITIτσS ότR USE, REPRτϊUωTIτσ, χσϊ ϊISTRIψUTIτσ
1έ ϊОПТnТtТonsέ
"δТcОnsО" shall mОan thО tОrms anН conНТtТons Пor usО, rОproНuctТon, anН НТstrТbutТon as НОПТnОН bв
SОctТons 1 through λ oП thТs НocumОntέ
"δТcОnsor" shall mОan thО copвrТght oаnОr or ОntТtв authorТгОН bв thО copвrТght oаnОr that Тs grantТng
thО δТcОnsОέ
"δОgal EntТtв" shall mОan thО unТon oП thО actТng ОntТtв anН all othОr ОntТtТОs that control, arО controllОН
bв, or arО unНОr common control аТth that ОntТtвέ όor thО purposОs oП thТs НОПТnТtТon, "control" mОans
(Т) thО poаОr, НТrОct or ТnНТrОct, to causО thО НТrОctТon or managОmОnt oП such ОntТtв, аhОthОr bв
contract or othОrаТsО, or (ТТ) oаnОrshТp oП ПТПtв pОrcОnt (ηί%) or morО oП thО outstanНТng sharОs, or (ТТТ)
bОnОПТcТal oаnОrshТp oП such ОntТtвέ
"You" (or "Your") shall mОan an ТnНТvТНual or δОgal EntТtв ОбОrcТsТng pОrmТssТons grantОН bв thТs
"SourcО" Пorm shall mОan thО prОПОrrОН Пorm Пor makТng moНТПТcatТons, ТncluНТng but not lТmТtОН to
soПtаarО sourcО coНО, НocumОntatТon sourcО, anН conПТguratТon ПТlОsέ
"τbУОct" Пorm shall mОan anв Пorm rОsultТng Пrom mОchanТcal transПormatТon or translatТon oП a SourcО
Пorm, ТncluНТng but not lТmТtОН to compТlОН obУОct coНО, gОnОratОН НocumОntatТon, anН convОrsТons to
othОr mОНТa tвpОsέ
"Work" shall mОan thО аork oП authorshТp, аhОthОr Тn SourcО or τbУОct Пorm, maНО avaТlablО unНОr
thО δТcОnsО, as ТnНТcatОН bв a copвrТght notТcО that Тs ТncluНОН Тn or attachОН to thО аork (an ОбamplО
Тs provТНОН Тn thО χppОnНТб bОloа)έ
"ϊОrТvatТvО Works" shall mОan anв аork, аhОthОr Тn SourcО or τbУОct Пorm, that Тs basОН on (or
НОrТvОН Пrom) thО Work anН Пor аhТch thО ОНТtorТal rОvТsТons, annotatТons, ОlaboratТons, or othОr
moНТПТcatТons rОprОsОnt, as a аholО, an orТgТnal аork oП authorshТpέ όor thО purposОs oП thТs δТcОnsО,
ϊОrТvatТvО Works shall not ТncluНО аorks that rОmaТn sОparablО Пrom, or mОrОlв lТnk (or bТnН bв namО)
to thО ТntОrПacОs oП, thО Work anН ϊОrТvatТvО Works thОrОoПέ
"ωontrТbutТon" shall mОan anв аork oП authorshТp, ТncluНТng thО orТgТnal vОrsТon oП thО Work anН anв
moНТПТcatТons or aННТtТons to that Work or ϊОrТvatТvО Works thОrОoП, that Тs ТntОntТonallв submТttОН to
δТcОnsor Пor ТnclusТon Тn thО Work bв thО copвrТght oаnОr or bв an ТnНТvТНual or δОgal EntТtв
authorТгОН to submТt on bОhalП oП thО copвrТght oаnОrέ όor thО purposОs oП thТs НОПТnТtТon, "submТttОН"
mОans anв Пorm oП ОlОctronТc, vОrbal, or аrТttОn communТcatТon sОnt to thО δТcОnsor or Тts
rОprОsОntatТvОs, ТncluНТng but not lТmТtОН to communТcatТon on ОlОctronТc maТlТng lТsts, sourcО coНО
control sвstОms, anН ТssuО trackТng sвstОms that arО managОН bв, or on bОhalП oП, thО δТcОnsor Пor thО
purposО oП НТscussТng anН ТmprovТng thО Work, but ОбcluНТng communТcatТon that Тs conspТcuouslв
markОН or othОrаТsО НОsТgnatОН Тn аrТtТng bв thО copвrТght oаnОr as "σot a ωontrТbutТonέ"
"ωontrТbutor" shall mОan δТcОnsor anН anв ТnНТvТНual or δОgal EntТtв on bОhalП oП аhom a ωontrТbutТon
has bООn rОcОТvОН bв δТcОnsor anН subsОquОntlв ТncorporatОН аТthТn thО Workέ
βέ ύrant oП ωopвrТght δТcОnsОέ SubУОct to thО tОrms anН conНТtТons oП thТs δТcОnsО, Оach ωontrТbutor
hОrОbв grants to You a pОrpОtual, аorlНаТНО, nonάОбclusТvО, noάchargО, roвaltвάПrОО, ТrrОvocablО

