Agilent Technologies Trueform Série Guide D'utilisation Et De Maintenance page 467

Table des Matières


Messages d'erreur SCPI
frequency changed for sine function (série 33600 uniquement)
frequency changed for square function (série 33600 uniquement)
frequency forced duty cycle change
frequency made compatible with burst mode (série 33500 uniquement)
frequency reduced for ramp function
frequency reduced for user function
FSK turned off by selection of other mode or modulation
Function or modulation source cannot be USER. Tracking disabled
Function selection limited the FSK frequency.
Gated output not available for gated burst. Output mode changed to normal.
high level changed due to low level
high limit less than low limit. Limits disabled
infinite burst changed trigger source to BUS
input threshold voltage > input range; threshold clipped to range
leading edge time decreased due to period
leading edge time decreased due to pulse width
leading edge times decreased due to pulse duty cycle
limited frequency to 1MHz when sync mode carrier, burst ON, and function sine (série 33500 uni-
list turned off by selection of other mode or modulation
low level changed due to high level
low reference >= high reference
marker forced into sweep span
marker off forced sync to normal mode
marker on forced sync to marker mode
marker point changed to fit arb length
modulation frequency made compatible with modulation shape
must stop operation to update trigger count
must stop operation to update trigger delay
not able to adjust phase for arb < 64 samples (série 33600 uniquement)
not able to adjust phase in this function
not able to adjust phase in this mode
not able to burst DC, burst turned off
not able to burst this function
Guide d'utilisation et de maintenance Agilent Série Trueform


Table des Matières

Table des Matières